Post by davidhr on Dec 22, 2020 9:02:25 GMT -5
Obviously the big news this past week was the release of Lara's new album, the "Lockdown Sessions". This will rank as one of the highlights of the year (the year in review will be provided next week).
But before the album could get to its audience, Lara had to deal with distribution problems. Lara's team wrote the following:
“Due to unprecedented increase in online shopping and other logistical issues caused by the ongoing pandemic, orders for the Lockdown Sessions CD are experiencing delays in shipping.
So, as a thank you for the patience of the fans, Lara's team is offering to provide the digital copy. So watch your emails.”
Fans were not happy about the distribution problems, but did thank Lara for the stop-gap measure of allowing them digital access. Except for those who didn't receive the required email link...
Distribution issues aside, here are some (obviously personal) thoughts after having listened to it some 5-10 times, depending on the track (12 songs, 44 minutes, mixture of English and French language lyrics):
**If one thought this would be a half-baked experimental album, or a piano-voice album like "All the Women in Me", or an album with no words, just Lara vocalizing - none of that is true. This is a full-fledged album, albeit with some notable differences from her usual releases. There is full instrumentation, provided most likely by keyboards - Moh Denebi produced it and there are no other musicians listed. Perhaps most 'experimental' are some of the sound collages with which they seem to have had fun.
**The strongest element is the music, with very catchy songs or choruses. The music is generally in the style of 'Camouflage', (e.g., "Listen to the Silence") and Papillon; so generally in the electro- pop mode with synthesizer beats, as one might expect given Moh Denebi's participation in helping to write the melodies.
**The lyrics for some of the songs are quite abbreviated, often no more than repetition of a few main points - see the lyrics (and any needed translation) following these comments. In a way, they may be a better match for this type of music than Lara's normally more involved lyrics, which seem to demand more emotional music. As another part of the 'experimentation' on this the album, Lara has several textural recitations which are not overtly musical.
**The lyrics of some of the songs fit in very well with the 'Lockdown experience', thus the title of the album is not just when Lara wrote it, but what she was feeling due to the lockdown. Some of that involves self-reflection, a good example being "Introspection", perhaps my favorite song on this album. Thus, thematically, the album is closest to Le Secret (as epitomized also by "Listen to the Silence").
**Vocally Lara does fine, though without much challenge - it's not an album that demands great emotional expenditures or vocal gymnastics, being composed at times of more 'mantra like' recitals. What she asks of herself, she does perfectly well. Lara had said she wanted her voice to be just one more instrument, like she had wanted to do with the first version of Tout Le Femme En Moi, before Universal made her do it over - but now she's in charge, and gets to do what she likes. She doesn’t even have Universal or any other big company distributing it.
**Lara's daughter Lou sings on three songs of the album, and also does just fine (again without the need for great vocal extremes). BTW, the album seems to imply only Lou is providing vocals on those songs, which is not the case; Lou mainly sings the chorus on her songs.
**All in all, this is a very nice, self-contained package - very professional, high quality, experimental only in the sense that it's quite different from her usual production. The production itself is not 'relaxed' or ‘experimental’. At least with this number of listenings, it's very enjoyable.
In calling each of the songs an "experiment", even on the album song titles, Lara has set the expectations of the audience: be prepared for something completely outside the range of her 'oeuvre'. As discussed above, in one sense this would seem to be true, but in another, it is just further in the direction that her work has been trending with the last two 'regular' album releases, though now with somewhat reduced lyrics that are more consistent with the electro- pop rhythms. While not all the songs actually fit this genre, with this album she could actually 'be' an electro- pop singer. This is a far distance from the emotional ballad singer of yesteryear, as her last several album releases have also demonstrated, although this has not been represented in her concert set lists (she assumes, rightly, that her fans are more attached to her previous work). So while this album is characterized as experimental, it would be no great surprise if it is a sign of the future for Lara as a recording artist, especially if she keeps working with Moh Denebi. Work that is more reflective, less emotional, keeping things simple – perhaps a sign of aging/maturation more than just the effect of the pandemic.
All the physical CDs have been sold out - it would be interesting to know how many there were, and whether Lara expected that to happen. She showed a picture of herself autographing the vinyl releases (as she did with the CDs), at ( or
As to what the fan response has been - those who accept the album for what it is seem quite happy with it, although in some cases they don't think of it as very substantial. Those who expected a more typical Lara album were disappointed, regardless of the preparation Lara put in to get people to understand it would be different. For myself, it's hard to give it a grade at this point, as it's unclear to me how well it will 'wear'; but so far I definitely like it. My favorite songs right now (in the order in which they appear on the album) are "I Remember", "Song for a Child", "Dance Under the Rain", "Reinvention", "Live Your Life" (with Lou's killer chorus), and "Introspection". The fact that half of the album's songs appear on this list is indicative of how I feel about it, and each of the other songs has something to recommend it. Lara and her family, Moh Denebi, and everybody else involved in this production should be greatly congratulated on what they managed to create under what had to be most trying circumstances. It was handled like the true professionals they are (except for the distribution issue).
Below is the introduction Lara wrote - in English - for the CD release, and then the lyrics, most of which were printed in the accompanying booklet)[with translations provided in brackets for those lyrics not in English].
Lara Fabian: Lockdown Sessions
As the world entered a new shade of darkness, I tried to imagine a creative way to keep on growing flowers from the inside.
I had always wanted for the longest time to experiment, feel and unlock a new way of writing, singing and making music.
As the world got locked at home for the first time in the history of humanity, instead of plunging into despair, I sat, silent…And I navigated on the edge of the deepest and most interesting ocean…
Between unanswered questions, legitimate doubts, resonant joys and disbeliefs, I allowed my self along with my family and Moh Denebi, to fly and create these peculiar musical EXPERIMENTS.
I remember I was feeling totally free and unsafe, accepting to be fragile, incomplete and totally imperfect.
I grasped faith and courage in both my hands,
believing beauty can be achieved only by remembering *it is never you fault…*
I allowed myself to get out of the conventional schemes and
let my soul thrive above any fear, in harmony with an undisclosed part of my art.
Whether you wish to fly free with me,
or just let this pass…
know that I have no expectations, if only to deliver ME.
Song lyrics:
Lara Fabian and Moh Denebi (music)
Lara Fabian (lyrics)
Ed è la Luce va. [And it is the Light goes]
Listen to the silence
Listen and imagine
The sacred space you hide
The sacred,
Ed è la Luce va [And it is the Light goes]
Fabian-Denebi/ Fabian
7 minuti [7 minutes]
Let me be the memory
let me be the memory
Let me Keep it
I remember
I am free (3)
I remember
7 minuti [7 minutes]
Rêver rêverie. [Dream reverie]
Rêver rêver rêver [To dream to dream to dream]
Je m’ennuie je m’ennuie j’aime [I'm bored I'm bored I love]
Je m’ennuie je m’ennuie j’aime [I'm bored I'm bored I love]
J'ai besoin de me reposer
Reposer [To rest]
Fabian-Denebi/Fabian-I. Padovani
Text extract from the book “Au Coeur du vivat” from my friend Isa Padovani
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
Un temps de liberation est parfois précédé d’un temps de limitation accrue
Accueillir notre aveuglement au moment ou plus que jamais
Nous aspirons à y voir clair
S’ouvrir a notre incapacite au moment ou nous pensions toucher du doigt
Nos plus hautes aspirations releve d’une profonde sagesse
The wound is the place where the light enters you
What you seek is seeking you
En pareils moments il pourra être utile de se souvenir
Que l’obstacle apparent auquel nous sommes confrontés
Est le matériau don’t nous disposons dans l’instant,
Tout aussi precieux pour experimenter notre divine humanité
Que peuvent l’être des circonstances favorables…
* * * * * *
[A time of freedom is sometimes preceded by a time of increased limitation
To welcome our blindness in the moment when more than ever
We aspire to see clearly
To open up to our incapacity in the moment when we thought we were touching
Our highest aspirations is rooted in deep wisdom
The wound is the place where the light enters you
What you seek is seeking you
At such times it may be helpful to remember
That the apparent obstacle we are facing
Is the material we have right now,
All also precious to experience our divine humanity
Which can be favorable circumstances ...]
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
I don’t want to wait
I don’t want to wait
I got to love to dance
Under the rain
I got to love to dance
Instead of waiting for the sunshine
Learn to dance under the rain
I got to learn to dance
Under the rain
Inspired by Children’s Corner of Claude Debussy
Donne donne donne donne donne-toi [Give give give give give yourself]
Donne-toi [Give yourself]
Laissez tout passer [Let it all pass}
Réinventer [Reinvent]
La révolution ne sera pas télevisée, elle sera streamée [The revolution will not be televised, it will be streamed]
Fenomonen Fenomenology
KISS MY apocalypse
Chien de paille ou bien phalene [Straw dog or phalène]
Prions ensemble et la haine s’étouffera [Let’s pray together and the hatred will be choked]
S’étouffera…[Will suffocate]
Fabian-Denebi/E. Hesme
Extra voices Gabriel di Giorgio
[News reports about abuse of women]
Des heures á errer dans le frouid [Hours wandering in the cold]
La rue ne l’impressionne pas [The street does not impress him]
Les coups qui pleuvent ils sont chez toi [The blows that rain they are at your place]
Je sens l’impuissance monter en moi
J’ai beau te dire n’y retourne pas
Tu me réponds qui me croira? [You answer me who will believe me?]
Et ou aller, je n’ai pas le choix [And where to go, I have no choice]
Tu passes la porte et pour un rien [You walk through the door and for nothing]
Comme un jour sans fin [Like a day without end]
L’orage eclate [The storm breaks]
La rage écarlate [The scarlet rage]
Emporte tout [Take it all]
Tu te noleras [You will fly]
Dans ce combat [In this fight]
Tout le monde s’en fout [Nobody cares]
Un numero
Dans les journaux [In the paper]
Ce sera tout [That will be all]
Les coups de pieds, les coups de poings [The kicks, the punches]
Hematomes sur ta gorge, tes seins [Hematomas on your throat, your breasts]
Tout le monde savait meme les voisins [Everyone knew even the neighbors]
Pourquoi payer quand on est une femme [Why pay when you're a woman]
Pourqui personne n’etend nos larmes [Why no one sheds our tears]
Quel est ce monde qu’on a vu naitre [What is this world that we saw born]
Quand l’homme aime deviant le traitre [When the man likes to become the traitor]
Tu espères encore mais demain [You still hope but tomorrow]
Revient le jour sans fin [The endless day returns]
Inspired by Pavane de Gabriel Faure
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
Mais d’où vient la colere [But where does the anger come from?]
Et ce parfum de guerre [And this scent of war]
On pourrait tout casser [We could break everything]
Et on désespère [And we despair]
Noyés par nos galeres [Drowned by our galleys]
Fatigues de porter [Tired of carrying]
Live the life you love
And love the life you live
Vis la vis la vie que tu ames aime la vie [Live live the life that you love, love life]
Aime la vie que tu vis aime ta vie [Love the life that you live love your life]
A l’intérieur de mes pensées [Inside my thoughts]
Toutes les couleurs et la beaute de l’être [All the colors and beauty of being]
Tu te demandes ou tes douleurs [You wonder where your pains]
Te mèneront si la peur t’éventre (x2) [Will lead you if fear gets in your way]
Je n’ai pas le droit de parler tout ca
Je n’ai pas le droit…(x4)
Inspired by Erik Satie Gymnopédie
A ciel ouvert et sans fenetres [To the open sky and without windows]
Je brave l’air et mes “peut-être”
Nous sommes d’une race transitoire nous regarderons-nous dans ce miroir [We are of a transient race we will look at ourselves in this mirror]
Nous sommes d’une race transitoire [We are of a transitory race]
Et dans tes yeux deux ailes immenses [And in your eyes two huge wings]
Se déploient et donnent confiance [Deploy and give confidence]
If there was only one place on earth where you could go
Tell me where would it be and where where would you go
Choose ONE
Even if it seemed remote from where you are
Even if it seemed away away too far
If there was only one place on earth where you could go
I would go to you
In other news, Lara focused on more personal interactions. For one, she hawked the new album by her friend and favorite singer from La Voix, Felix Lemelin. On both her Facebook and Instagram site (
She then put on the following link to the first video from his album
She also gave a shout out to her makeup person, Nathalie Corbeil, with a picture of the two of them
and the caption, “At Nathalie Corbeil it's a magical moment of relaxation where learning to wear makeup for yourself is an exercise that joins our ability to love ourselves....
The beauty bistro workshop given by Nathalie is simply magical...
Run there!!!!
In these difficult times it feels so good!!!!
Love 💕 💕 💕
Note that beauty salons are open in Montreal. On Sunday Quebec reported 2,146 new cases of COVID-19 (double that which was occurring in November) and 21 more deaths. “Run there” should be taken under advisement. Over 4000 vaccinations have taken place in the last week, and 21 more vaccination centers opened across the province on Monday.
The ‘Lara Fabian est ton autre' FB site (as well as some others) had the following announcement: “What a nice Christmas present before the hour ... The documentary ‘Lara’ arrives in Europe and will be broadcast on RTL-TVI (Belgium) this Wednesday, December 23 around 8 pm 📺🇧🇪”
The exact announcement from RTL read “An exceptional evening dedicated to Lara Fabian, the most international of Belgian singers.
🎂2020, a very special year for Lara Fabian who celebrated her 30 years of career, but also her 50 years. 🎉
This Wednesday at 8:00 p.m."
One can be sure it will be recognized for its honesty and the depth of its portrayal of Lara.
On the “Star Academie” front, there was an article in the Journal de Montreal with some additional information (
“Star Académie”: academics from all over Quebec!
They are 60, are aged 16 to 29, were selected from more than 5500 candidates and come from all over Quebec: the 60 aspiring academics who will participate in the "Selection Camp" of "Star Académie" were unveiled Thursday.
Demographically, these young talents come from Abitibi-Témiscamingue (1), Bas-Saint-Laurent (2), Laval (2), Mauricie (5), Capitale-Nationale (5), Chaudières -Appalaches (2), Estrie (3), Lanaudière (3), Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (2), Outaouais (3), Montreal (12), Montérégie ( 10), Laurentides (4), Center-du-Québec (4), Kedgwick, New Brunswick (1), and Cornwall, Ontario (1).
We are promised a wide variety of styles, from all walks of life.
Some of these young artists already have experience in the spotlight. For example, from the lot, the public is already familiar with the face of William Cloutier, 25, from Victoriaville, who has participated in “Mixmania” in the past, that of Lunou Zucchini, 25, from Saint-Denis-sur- Richelieu, who is the daughter of Luce Dufault, and Tristan Guay, 24, from Gatineau, who had been part of Isabelle Boulay's team at "La Voix".
Annabel Oreste, 19, from Laval, had also tried her luck at "La Voix" in 2017, and Jacob Roberge, 22, from Lévis, also made a name for herself last spring with her rereading of "Bohemian Rhapsody", that had ignited the web.
Intensive course
We will officially meet these new stars during the intensive course represented by the “Selection Camp”. Patrice Michaud will guide his new charges, who will then forge a first link with the Quebec public.
Ariane Moffatt and Luis Clavis will offer a creation workshop there, Gregory Charles will give a vocal technique lesson, Lara Fabian and Marie-Ève Riverin will supervise their interpretation skills and Xavier Dolan will make a surprise visit to explain his role to his “students”.
Of these 60 girls and boys who will be in the first “Selection Camp” (January 17, 7 p.m.), 30 will be cut off at the end of the program. The other 30 will return the following week (January 24, 7 p.m.).
At the end of this process, 20 candidates will automatically obtain their passes for the first variety gala on Sunday, February 14, and the other 10 will be put to the vote of viewers on the web.
At the first variety gala, the 22 finalists will offer a performance, and the 15 academicians of the 2021 cohort of “Star Académie” will finally be chosen from this group.
The “Star Académie” “Selection Camp” will be presented on Sunday January 17 and 24, 2021, at 7 pm, at TVA. The variety galas will occupy the Sunday time slot at 7 p.m. starting February 14, and the daily will be broadcast Monday through Thursday at 7 p.m. starting February 15.
We know what will be taking Lara’s attention come the new year…
Interesting photo(s) of the week: as shown on the Lara Fabian est ton autre FB site, the picture of Lara that accompanied the announcement that the CD deliveries would be delayed, and so digital access would be provided free,
While this was reported on the various fan sites, it should really have been provided up front and center on Lara’s own FB site – they probably didn’t want to emphasize the problem to the world at large, but getting the information out most widely, especially around Christmas time, should have been the priority.
Given that Christmas is arriving later this week, Lara will undoubtedly be focused on that. This would likely preclude her doing any new interviews for the new album even if she were inclined to do so (she did a few before the album’s release, as covered in previous News Updates). There is the distinct possibility that given the holidays, and Lara’s subsequent involvement with the Star Academie, this album will slide by relatively unnoticed by the “outside world” – which is a shame, given its quality. Anyway…Happy Holidays everyone!
But before the album could get to its audience, Lara had to deal with distribution problems. Lara's team wrote the following:
“Due to unprecedented increase in online shopping and other logistical issues caused by the ongoing pandemic, orders for the Lockdown Sessions CD are experiencing delays in shipping.
So, as a thank you for the patience of the fans, Lara's team is offering to provide the digital copy. So watch your emails.”
Fans were not happy about the distribution problems, but did thank Lara for the stop-gap measure of allowing them digital access. Except for those who didn't receive the required email link...
Distribution issues aside, here are some (obviously personal) thoughts after having listened to it some 5-10 times, depending on the track (12 songs, 44 minutes, mixture of English and French language lyrics):
**If one thought this would be a half-baked experimental album, or a piano-voice album like "All the Women in Me", or an album with no words, just Lara vocalizing - none of that is true. This is a full-fledged album, albeit with some notable differences from her usual releases. There is full instrumentation, provided most likely by keyboards - Moh Denebi produced it and there are no other musicians listed. Perhaps most 'experimental' are some of the sound collages with which they seem to have had fun.
**The strongest element is the music, with very catchy songs or choruses. The music is generally in the style of 'Camouflage', (e.g., "Listen to the Silence") and Papillon; so generally in the electro- pop mode with synthesizer beats, as one might expect given Moh Denebi's participation in helping to write the melodies.
**The lyrics for some of the songs are quite abbreviated, often no more than repetition of a few main points - see the lyrics (and any needed translation) following these comments. In a way, they may be a better match for this type of music than Lara's normally more involved lyrics, which seem to demand more emotional music. As another part of the 'experimentation' on this the album, Lara has several textural recitations which are not overtly musical.
**The lyrics of some of the songs fit in very well with the 'Lockdown experience', thus the title of the album is not just when Lara wrote it, but what she was feeling due to the lockdown. Some of that involves self-reflection, a good example being "Introspection", perhaps my favorite song on this album. Thus, thematically, the album is closest to Le Secret (as epitomized also by "Listen to the Silence").
**Vocally Lara does fine, though without much challenge - it's not an album that demands great emotional expenditures or vocal gymnastics, being composed at times of more 'mantra like' recitals. What she asks of herself, she does perfectly well. Lara had said she wanted her voice to be just one more instrument, like she had wanted to do with the first version of Tout Le Femme En Moi, before Universal made her do it over - but now she's in charge, and gets to do what she likes. She doesn’t even have Universal or any other big company distributing it.
**Lara's daughter Lou sings on three songs of the album, and also does just fine (again without the need for great vocal extremes). BTW, the album seems to imply only Lou is providing vocals on those songs, which is not the case; Lou mainly sings the chorus on her songs.
**All in all, this is a very nice, self-contained package - very professional, high quality, experimental only in the sense that it's quite different from her usual production. The production itself is not 'relaxed' or ‘experimental’. At least with this number of listenings, it's very enjoyable.
In calling each of the songs an "experiment", even on the album song titles, Lara has set the expectations of the audience: be prepared for something completely outside the range of her 'oeuvre'. As discussed above, in one sense this would seem to be true, but in another, it is just further in the direction that her work has been trending with the last two 'regular' album releases, though now with somewhat reduced lyrics that are more consistent with the electro- pop rhythms. While not all the songs actually fit this genre, with this album she could actually 'be' an electro- pop singer. This is a far distance from the emotional ballad singer of yesteryear, as her last several album releases have also demonstrated, although this has not been represented in her concert set lists (she assumes, rightly, that her fans are more attached to her previous work). So while this album is characterized as experimental, it would be no great surprise if it is a sign of the future for Lara as a recording artist, especially if she keeps working with Moh Denebi. Work that is more reflective, less emotional, keeping things simple – perhaps a sign of aging/maturation more than just the effect of the pandemic.
All the physical CDs have been sold out - it would be interesting to know how many there were, and whether Lara expected that to happen. She showed a picture of herself autographing the vinyl releases (as she did with the CDs), at ( or
(; the fact that they produced a vinyl copy for release shows they did not consider this completely experimental. Nevertheless, it was apparently not distributed for official reviews, as there were none yet around (that I've seen), probably because it is not fully a ‘commercial product’ since it’s being sold so far only on her website. (This was true for Every Woman in Me originally, which thus never did get reviewed- though now you can find it on Spotify, Amazon music, etc.). This album has the aura of something to be taken more seriously, so maybe they will produce more physical copies or at least make it more generally available to critics. It would be most interesting to hear what the critics would say about this; I have the feeling that if Lara released this under a pseudonym, critics might more readily appreciate it. [Remember that when Camouflage came out, one critic said – “this is a very good album, it’s just not a very good “Lara Fabian” album”. But that definition may need changing…]. Its future in this regard may depend on the impression Lara and her people get from her fans about it.
As to what the fan response has been - those who accept the album for what it is seem quite happy with it, although in some cases they don't think of it as very substantial. Those who expected a more typical Lara album were disappointed, regardless of the preparation Lara put in to get people to understand it would be different. For myself, it's hard to give it a grade at this point, as it's unclear to me how well it will 'wear'; but so far I definitely like it. My favorite songs right now (in the order in which they appear on the album) are "I Remember", "Song for a Child", "Dance Under the Rain", "Reinvention", "Live Your Life" (with Lou's killer chorus), and "Introspection". The fact that half of the album's songs appear on this list is indicative of how I feel about it, and each of the other songs has something to recommend it. Lara and her family, Moh Denebi, and everybody else involved in this production should be greatly congratulated on what they managed to create under what had to be most trying circumstances. It was handled like the true professionals they are (except for the distribution issue).
Below is the introduction Lara wrote - in English - for the CD release, and then the lyrics, most of which were printed in the accompanying booklet)[with translations provided in brackets for those lyrics not in English].
Lara Fabian: Lockdown Sessions
As the world entered a new shade of darkness, I tried to imagine a creative way to keep on growing flowers from the inside.
I had always wanted for the longest time to experiment, feel and unlock a new way of writing, singing and making music.
As the world got locked at home for the first time in the history of humanity, instead of plunging into despair, I sat, silent…And I navigated on the edge of the deepest and most interesting ocean…
Between unanswered questions, legitimate doubts, resonant joys and disbeliefs, I allowed my self along with my family and Moh Denebi, to fly and create these peculiar musical EXPERIMENTS.
I remember I was feeling totally free and unsafe, accepting to be fragile, incomplete and totally imperfect.
I grasped faith and courage in both my hands,
believing beauty can be achieved only by remembering *it is never you fault…*
I allowed myself to get out of the conventional schemes and
let my soul thrive above any fear, in harmony with an undisclosed part of my art.
Whether you wish to fly free with me,
or just let this pass…
know that I have no expectations, if only to deliver ME.
Song lyrics:
Lara Fabian and Moh Denebi (music)
Lara Fabian (lyrics)
Ed è la Luce va. [And it is the Light goes]
Listen to the silence
Listen and imagine
The sacred space you hide
The sacred,
Ed è la Luce va [And it is the Light goes]
Fabian-Denebi/ Fabian
7 minuti [7 minutes]
Let me be the memory
let me be the memory
Let me Keep it
I remember
I am free (3)
I remember
7 minuti [7 minutes]
Rêver rêverie. [Dream reverie]
Rêver rêver rêver [To dream to dream to dream]
Je m’ennuie je m’ennuie j’aime [I'm bored I'm bored I love]
Je m’ennuie je m’ennuie j’aime [I'm bored I'm bored I love]
J'ai besoin de me reposer
Reposer [To rest]
Fabian-Denebi/Fabian-I. Padovani
Text extract from the book “Au Coeur du vivat” from my friend Isa Padovani
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
Un temps de liberation est parfois précédé d’un temps de limitation accrue
Accueillir notre aveuglement au moment ou plus que jamais
Nous aspirons à y voir clair
S’ouvrir a notre incapacite au moment ou nous pensions toucher du doigt
Nos plus hautes aspirations releve d’une profonde sagesse
The wound is the place where the light enters you
What you seek is seeking you
En pareils moments il pourra être utile de se souvenir
Que l’obstacle apparent auquel nous sommes confrontés
Est le matériau don’t nous disposons dans l’instant,
Tout aussi precieux pour experimenter notre divine humanité
Que peuvent l’être des circonstances favorables…
* * * * * *
[A time of freedom is sometimes preceded by a time of increased limitation
To welcome our blindness in the moment when more than ever
We aspire to see clearly
To open up to our incapacity in the moment when we thought we were touching
Our highest aspirations is rooted in deep wisdom
The wound is the place where the light enters you
What you seek is seeking you
At such times it may be helpful to remember
That the apparent obstacle we are facing
Is the material we have right now,
All also precious to experience our divine humanity
Which can be favorable circumstances ...]
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
I don’t want to wait
I don’t want to wait
I got to love to dance
Under the rain
I got to love to dance
Instead of waiting for the sunshine
Learn to dance under the rain
I got to learn to dance
Under the rain
Inspired by Children’s Corner of Claude Debussy
Donne donne donne donne donne-toi [Give give give give give yourself]
Donne-toi [Give yourself]
Laissez tout passer [Let it all pass}
Réinventer [Reinvent]
La révolution ne sera pas télevisée, elle sera streamée [The revolution will not be televised, it will be streamed]
Fenomonen Fenomenology
KISS MY apocalypse
Chien de paille ou bien phalene [Straw dog or phalène]
Prions ensemble et la haine s’étouffera [Let’s pray together and the hatred will be choked]
S’étouffera…[Will suffocate]
Fabian-Denebi/E. Hesme
Extra voices Gabriel di Giorgio
[News reports about abuse of women]
Des heures á errer dans le frouid [Hours wandering in the cold]
La rue ne l’impressionne pas [The street does not impress him]
Les coups qui pleuvent ils sont chez toi [The blows that rain they are at your place]
Je sens l’impuissance monter en moi
J’ai beau te dire n’y retourne pas
Tu me réponds qui me croira? [You answer me who will believe me?]
Et ou aller, je n’ai pas le choix [And where to go, I have no choice]
Tu passes la porte et pour un rien [You walk through the door and for nothing]
Comme un jour sans fin [Like a day without end]
L’orage eclate [The storm breaks]
La rage écarlate [The scarlet rage]
Emporte tout [Take it all]
Tu te noleras [You will fly]
Dans ce combat [In this fight]
Tout le monde s’en fout [Nobody cares]
Un numero
Dans les journaux [In the paper]
Ce sera tout [That will be all]
Les coups de pieds, les coups de poings [The kicks, the punches]
Hematomes sur ta gorge, tes seins [Hematomas on your throat, your breasts]
Tout le monde savait meme les voisins [Everyone knew even the neighbors]
Pourquoi payer quand on est une femme [Why pay when you're a woman]
Pourqui personne n’etend nos larmes [Why no one sheds our tears]
Quel est ce monde qu’on a vu naitre [What is this world that we saw born]
Quand l’homme aime deviant le traitre [When the man likes to become the traitor]
Tu espères encore mais demain [You still hope but tomorrow]
Revient le jour sans fin [The endless day returns]
Inspired by Pavane de Gabriel Faure
Additional vocal by Lou Pullicino
Mais d’où vient la colere [But where does the anger come from?]
Et ce parfum de guerre [And this scent of war]
On pourrait tout casser [We could break everything]
Et on désespère [And we despair]
Noyés par nos galeres [Drowned by our galleys]
Fatigues de porter [Tired of carrying]
Live the life you love
And love the life you live
Vis la vis la vie que tu ames aime la vie [Live live the life that you love, love life]
Aime la vie que tu vis aime ta vie [Love the life that you live love your life]
A l’intérieur de mes pensées [Inside my thoughts]
Toutes les couleurs et la beaute de l’être [All the colors and beauty of being]
Tu te demandes ou tes douleurs [You wonder where your pains]
Te mèneront si la peur t’éventre (x2) [Will lead you if fear gets in your way]
Je n’ai pas le droit de parler tout ca
Je n’ai pas le droit…(x4)
Inspired by Erik Satie Gymnopédie
A ciel ouvert et sans fenetres [To the open sky and without windows]
Je brave l’air et mes “peut-être”
Nous sommes d’une race transitoire nous regarderons-nous dans ce miroir [We are of a transient race we will look at ourselves in this mirror]
Nous sommes d’une race transitoire [We are of a transitory race]
Et dans tes yeux deux ailes immenses [And in your eyes two huge wings]
Se déploient et donnent confiance [Deploy and give confidence]
If there was only one place on earth where you could go
Tell me where would it be and where where would you go
Choose ONE
Even if it seemed remote from where you are
Even if it seemed away away too far
If there was only one place on earth where you could go
I would go to you
In other news, Lara focused on more personal interactions. For one, she hawked the new album by her friend and favorite singer from La Voix, Felix Lemelin. On both her Facebook and Instagram site ( she wrote the following, ““From the first crush to the present day I continue to be amazed by your talent, and I am extremely proud to be able to accompany you on this project. 🙏💋 Lara”
She then put on the following link to the first video from his album
She also gave a shout out to her makeup person, Nathalie Corbeil, with a picture of the two of them
and the caption, “At Nathalie Corbeil it's a magical moment of relaxation where learning to wear makeup for yourself is an exercise that joins our ability to love ourselves....
The beauty bistro workshop given by Nathalie is simply magical...
Run there!!!!
In these difficult times it feels so good!!!!
Love 💕 💕 💕
Note that beauty salons are open in Montreal. On Sunday Quebec reported 2,146 new cases of COVID-19 (double that which was occurring in November) and 21 more deaths. “Run there” should be taken under advisement. Over 4000 vaccinations have taken place in the last week, and 21 more vaccination centers opened across the province on Monday.
The ‘Lara Fabian est ton autre' FB site (as well as some others) had the following announcement: “What a nice Christmas present before the hour ... The documentary ‘Lara’ arrives in Europe and will be broadcast on RTL-TVI (Belgium) this Wednesday, December 23 around 8 pm 📺🇧🇪”
The exact announcement from RTL read “An exceptional evening dedicated to Lara Fabian, the most international of Belgian singers.
🎂2020, a very special year for Lara Fabian who celebrated her 30 years of career, but also her 50 years. 🎉
This Wednesday at 8:00 p.m."
One can be sure it will be recognized for its honesty and the depth of its portrayal of Lara.
On the “Star Academie” front, there was an article in the Journal de Montreal with some additional information (
“Star Académie”: academics from all over Quebec!
They are 60, are aged 16 to 29, were selected from more than 5500 candidates and come from all over Quebec: the 60 aspiring academics who will participate in the "Selection Camp" of "Star Académie" were unveiled Thursday.
Demographically, these young talents come from Abitibi-Témiscamingue (1), Bas-Saint-Laurent (2), Laval (2), Mauricie (5), Capitale-Nationale (5), Chaudières -Appalaches (2), Estrie (3), Lanaudière (3), Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (2), Outaouais (3), Montreal (12), Montérégie ( 10), Laurentides (4), Center-du-Québec (4), Kedgwick, New Brunswick (1), and Cornwall, Ontario (1).
We are promised a wide variety of styles, from all walks of life.
Some of these young artists already have experience in the spotlight. For example, from the lot, the public is already familiar with the face of William Cloutier, 25, from Victoriaville, who has participated in “Mixmania” in the past, that of Lunou Zucchini, 25, from Saint-Denis-sur- Richelieu, who is the daughter of Luce Dufault, and Tristan Guay, 24, from Gatineau, who had been part of Isabelle Boulay's team at "La Voix".
Annabel Oreste, 19, from Laval, had also tried her luck at "La Voix" in 2017, and Jacob Roberge, 22, from Lévis, also made a name for herself last spring with her rereading of "Bohemian Rhapsody", that had ignited the web.
Intensive course
We will officially meet these new stars during the intensive course represented by the “Selection Camp”. Patrice Michaud will guide his new charges, who will then forge a first link with the Quebec public.
Ariane Moffatt and Luis Clavis will offer a creation workshop there, Gregory Charles will give a vocal technique lesson, Lara Fabian and Marie-Ève Riverin will supervise their interpretation skills and Xavier Dolan will make a surprise visit to explain his role to his “students”.
Of these 60 girls and boys who will be in the first “Selection Camp” (January 17, 7 p.m.), 30 will be cut off at the end of the program. The other 30 will return the following week (January 24, 7 p.m.).
At the end of this process, 20 candidates will automatically obtain their passes for the first variety gala on Sunday, February 14, and the other 10 will be put to the vote of viewers on the web.
At the first variety gala, the 22 finalists will offer a performance, and the 15 academicians of the 2021 cohort of “Star Académie” will finally be chosen from this group.
The “Star Académie” “Selection Camp” will be presented on Sunday January 17 and 24, 2021, at 7 pm, at TVA. The variety galas will occupy the Sunday time slot at 7 p.m. starting February 14, and the daily will be broadcast Monday through Thursday at 7 p.m. starting February 15.
We know what will be taking Lara’s attention come the new year…
Interesting photo(s) of the week: as shown on the Lara Fabian est ton autre FB site, the picture of Lara that accompanied the announcement that the CD deliveries would be delayed, and so digital access would be provided free,
While this was reported on the various fan sites, it should really have been provided up front and center on Lara’s own FB site – they probably didn’t want to emphasize the problem to the world at large, but getting the information out most widely, especially around Christmas time, should have been the priority.
Given that Christmas is arriving later this week, Lara will undoubtedly be focused on that. This would likely preclude her doing any new interviews for the new album even if she were inclined to do so (she did a few before the album’s release, as covered in previous News Updates). There is the distinct possibility that given the holidays, and Lara’s subsequent involvement with the Star Academie, this album will slide by relatively unnoticed by the “outside world” – which is a shame, given its quality. Anyway…Happy Holidays everyone!